Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Vulpecula (Vul)  ·  Contains:  14 Vul  ·  Dumbbell Nebula  ·  HD189733  ·  HD345312  ·  HD345313  ·  HD345314  ·  HD345316  ·  HD345317  ·  HD345322  ·  HD345323  ·  HD345435  ·  HD345436  ·  HD345438  ·  HD345439  ·  HD345440  ·  HD345443  ·  HD345444  ·  HD345445  ·  HD345446  ·  HD345447  ·  HD345448  ·  HD345449  ·  HD345450  ·  HD345451  ·  HD345452  ·  HD345453  ·  HD345454  ·  HD345455  ·  HD345456  ·  HD345457  ·  And 19 more.
M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) [NB HOO], Dean Carr
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M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) [NB HOO]

M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) [NB HOO], Dean Carr
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M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) [NB HOO]



Acquisition details



M27, commonly known as the Dumbbell Nebula, is a planetary nebula approximately 1,360 light-years from Earth in the constellation of Vulpecula.  The core is very bright and spheroidal in shape; it is surrounded by an extended region of comparatively dim nebulosity (both Ha and OIII).

This narrowband image was processed in PixInsight using a HOO two-color palette (Red = Ha, Green/Blue blend = OIII).

M27 was a rather challenging object to image at my observing location; it rises only to a maximum of 34 degrees above the horizon at the meridian, so obviously it is lower the rest of the time.  Given that the walls of my observing tent do not allow me to go that low, I had to partially deconstruct the front end of the tent (i.e. lower some poles), making it quite unstable in the wind.  Quite exciting to watch the walls of the tent flap across the mount. So, all-in-all, I am happy to get something out of my time chasing this target.


Sky plot

Sky plot


M27 (Dumbbell Nebula) [NB HOO], Dean Carr